23 Ağustos 2014 Cumartesi

Some other attributes of Almighty Allah (2)

Dear Readers,

In my preceding article, i told some attributes of Allah (swt) other than personal attributes. In this article I'm going to tell some others.

• Allah has the power to do anything.

Allah (swt) has the power to do anything. He has the unlimited power to do anything He wants. Everything taking place in the universe happens with the energy, power and strength that He provides. There is nothing that he can't do.

"…for verily Allah has power over all things." (Nur, 45)

The power of Allah is an absolute capacity. It is eternal and perpetual. It is unlimited. It is self-existent. It is not subject to any other source. Although He provides everything with the power and energy, there is no lessening in His Power at all.

The power of creatures is relative. If the Almighty Allah does not give bless them with power and strength, they cannot flap or move their fingers. On the other hand, the power of creatures is based on certain factors. If those factors do not take place, for example if humans do not feed themselves, their power will diminish. He blessed them with power and strength that is fit for the purpose of their creation and disposition, and sufficient enough for them to fulfill their own needs. For example, an ant is able to carry weight that is 16 times heavier than its own weight. A flea can jump to a distance that is 40 times longer than its own height. However, a human being is not able to carry a weight even as heavy as himself. 

• Allah (swt) hears.

The Almighty Allah hears. However, He does not need an organ or means to hear. No matter it is a word said in whisper or out loud, He hears them all. He even hears those said in silence.

"If thou pronounce the word aloud, (it is no matter): for verily He knoweth what is secret and what is yet more hidden." (Ta-ha, 7)

His hearing is strong enough to hear even the lowest voices in all worlds. If millions of people pray at the same time, he hears them. His hearing is unlimited, eternal and perpetual.

The hearing of His creatures is limited, impermanent and to the extent that Allah permits. They are given hearing abilities that are enough to meet their needs and suit for their functions in the divine order. They need organs such as ears and sonic waves at a certain frequency. They mostly cannot perceive another voice when focusing on one. Therefore, if two-three people speak at the same time, they will not be able to understand any of them. 

• Allah (swt) sees.

Allah (swt) sees. His quality of vision covers all worlds. It is unlimited, eternal and perpetual. However, He does not need a light, an organ or means to see. Hidden or out in the open, He sees everything. Nothing taking place in the universe is out of His vision. Seeing one thing does not prevent Him seeing another thing.

"...Verily it is Allah (alone) who hears and sees (all things)." (Mu'min, 20)

Creatures’ ability to see is relative, limited and impermanent. They need light to see. They need the light at a certain level to be able to see. They need certain means and tools such as eyes, spectacles, and microscope to see. They end up not seeing even if they have a small eye problem.

• Allah (swt) speaks.

Allah (swt) speaks. However, His speaking is not in sound or letters. The content of his speech is not known. However, he spoke with prophets through his speech attribute and revealed books to them. He gave orders through this attribute, he banned certain things and he gave information on certain things.

"It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with Allah's permission, what Allah wills..." (Shura, 51)

"Say: If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid." [Kahf, 109]

Allah (swt) partially granted of his speaking quality to humans. However, the speaking quality of humans is to the extent that is blessed by the Almighty Allah. It is limited to certain number of words and concepts. They need a mouth, tongue and vocal cords to speak. If they have a problem in their vocal cords or hit by a nerve stroke, they are not able to talk. 

• Allah (swt) is the Creator.

Allah (swt) is the Creator. Everything in the universe was created, arranged and organized by Him.

"Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all affairs." (Zumar, 62)

Creating something means bringing them into existence. This is an attributes unique to Allah.

Allah (swt) partially gave humans this quality in terms of changing the objects that are already in existence, shaping, arranging and organizing them, therefore not in respect of bringing them into existence. Therefore, humans are able to make changes on earth, shape the earth, establish varies systems, orders and organizations and manage them with the quality and skills that they are blessed with and to the extent that is permitted by his Lord.

Dearest Readers,

I have so far tried to tell you about the Almighty Allah through short anecdotes. One cannot entirely know and understand the Almighty Allah without witnessing His work and Subutî Attributes just as not being able to describe the pain of burn without actually experiencing it. Therefore, let us see the things happening around us through His divine light and by learning lessons from them and surrender ourselves into Him with great faith. If we do this, we can personally experience his Subutî Attributes i.e. his vision, hearing, wisdom, and power.

Let's not think that the Almighty Allah is not aware of us or careless just because we and others around us live reckless. The Creator is aware of everything all the time.

"Wasting your time in vanities?" (Najm, 61)

"Think not that Allah doth not heed the deeds of those who do wrong. He but giveth them respite against a Day when the eyes will fixedly stare in horror." (Ibrahim, 42)

"…We are never unmindful of (Our) Creation." (Muminun, 17)

" thy Lord is not unmindful of anything that they do." (An'aam, 132)

"…and thy Lord is not unmindful of all that ye do." (Hud, 123;  Naml, 93)

Be entrusted to Allah..

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