Dear readers,
Qur’an is a very valuable source which
separates truth from falsehood and which cannot be invalidated by any document
neither in the past nor in the future.
Qur’an is a guidance of
righteousness and salvation. Those who do not believe in and turn away from it
cannot get free of troubles.
is the guidance of Allah. He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as
Allah leaves to stray, can have none to guide." [Zumar, 23]
"When thou dost recite the Qurán,
We put, between thee and those who believe not in the Hereafter, a veil
invisible:" [Isra, 45]
"Those who reject Our Signs, We
shall lead them gradually to ruin, while they known not;" [A’raf, 182]
Acting based on delusions and prejudices, some
people talk through their hats regarding the religion
of Allah (s.w.t.) although they do not know Qur’an or have any fundamental
information about it. Allah (s.w.t.) declares about them:
"And there are among them
illiterates, who know not the Book, but (see therein their own) desires, and
they do nothing but conjecture." [Baqarah, 78]
# One should not be blind to truths
Dear readers, Allah (s.w.t.) has created two
huge realms including a visible material one and an invisible spiritual one.
Two great orders... The Creator, owner, arranger and manager of these orders is
Him. He is the one who has established their rules. He is the only sovereign
over these orders. Allah (s.w.t.) has created humans as a small realm that
carries elements from both of the realms, made him His caliph on the world, equipped him with a blessing like "intelligence"
which He has not bestowed to any other living being, "morally"
uplifted him by training him with His messengers and books, and rendered him
arranger and manager over the earth by teaching him the methods of acquiring and
processing "information". Qur’an tells us the laws of His
spiritual order which bring humans to maturity. The Sustainer of All the Realms
wants humans to understand these orders that He has truly created and
established rules for, to also understand his Sublime Personality, to not
become blind to truths and not destroy the order that He has established in the
"Now have come to you, from
your Lord, proofs (to open your eyes): if any will see, it will be for (the
good of) his own soul; if any will be blind, it will be to his own (harm):"
[An’am, 104]
"Do no mischief on the earth, after
it hath been set in order, " [A’raf, 56]
"And O my people! give just measure and weight nor withhold
from the people the things that are their due: commit not evil in the land with
intent to do mischief." [Hud, 85]
# Turning away from Allah's statements is cruelty
Those who deny and turn away from the verses of
Allah (s.w.t.) are cruels. It is clearly stated in many Qur’an verses that such
cruel people will be punished with a punishment of a very foul nature:
"and none but the unjust reject Our
Signs." [Ankabut, 49]
"And this is a Book which We have
revealed as a blessing: so follow it … Now then hath come unto you a Clear
(Sign) from your Lord,- and a guide and a mercy: then who could do more wrong
than one who rejecteth Allah's Signs, and turneth away therefrom? In good time
shall We requite those who turn away from Our Signs, with a dreadful
chastisement, for their turning away. " [An’am, 155-157]
"Nay, they charge with
falsehood that whose knowledge they cannot compass, even before the
interpretation thereof hath reached them: thus did those before them make
charges of falsehood: but see what was the end of those who did wrong! " [Yunus, 39]
# Allah (s.w.t.) will not remain a mere spectator to the destruction of the order that it has established
Dear readers, even we incapable servants do not
want any order that we establish on the face of the earth
to be destroyed, and we even place sanctions to any destroyers, then how can it
be expected that Allah, who is the Creator of everything, who manages
everything and possesses an absolute power to do anything He likes, would be a
mere spectator to the destruction of the divine order that He has established?
There are many who misunderstand, get spoiled and continue their cruelties and
shamelessness with impunity due to the fact that Allah, as a manifestation of
his attributes of patience and benevolence, delays so many things in the hope
that they might correct their errors. Beware!.. Allah (s.w.t.) is not like us
his weak servants, and He will not forget his promises.
"Thy Lord never doth forget." [Maryam,
Every promise of Him is real. And no power
exists to contradict their application. Therefore, let us not become one of
those miserables who destroy the divine order, inflict troubles upon themselves
and others, deprive themselves of the divine benevolence, and recognize no law
or rule. Let us not be like them and let us not be among those who are
sentenced to violent punishments promised for them because they turn away from
divine laws. Allah (s.w.t.) does not tyrannize anyone. Human beings tyrannize
themselves by acting impertinently. Just like in the case of a naughty child
who does not listen to advices, asks for trouble, and finally finds it.
# Each statement of Qur’an is truth
Dear readers,
For a proper faith, it is necessary to believe
that the Psalm, the Torah, the Bible and Qur’an are all true divine documents
sent by Allah. Particularly, as I told in my previous writings, one should not
be in doubt that Qur’an, the accuracy and protection of which has been
guaranteed personally by Allah (s.w.t.) and which is the latest and the most
reliable source of the religion that has been communicated to humanity by
various prophets since the time of Adam (pbuh) is the word of the Creator, that
it confirms the previous books, and that each information it contains regarding
visible and invisible realms is the truth.
"We sent down the (Qurán) in
Truth, and in Truth has it descended: " [Isra, 105]
"(Qur'an is ) a detailed exposition of all
things, and a Guide and a Mercy to any such as believe." [Yusuf, 111]
Dear readers, Qur’an contains information about
the attributes of Allah (s.w.t.), about the efforts taken by the prophets to
tell humans about Allah (s.w.t.) and His judgments which lead to benevolence,
about what is benevolent and good for humans and the
most reliable criteria regarding humane behaviors, and about such subject
matters as invisible beings, angels, the world of souls,
the conditions in the end of days and the hereafter, etc.
# One should not try to measure spiritual values with mind
One should not attempt to evaluate these with
mind. As I mentioned occasionally before, mind is a mechanism that functions in
the material realm, which is a visible divine order, and based on the data
coming from this realm. It performs its comparisons with the criteria of this
realm. The invisible realms created by Allah, however, function
with completely different criteria and values. The objects and events there are
different than those in the material realm, and its laws are completely
different. We call it the spiritual realm, because it only involves a semantic
value, from a worldly perspective. In order to enable us to grasp the events
there, even if to a partial extent, Allah (s.w.t.) has bestowed us the realm of
dreams as an example. The truths of the afterlife realm, on the other hand, are
completely different from that in human imagination. It is not possible to fully
grasp and understand them with the worldly perspective of humans. The position
of humans to their dreams and imaginations is similar to the position of the
afterlife realm to the material realm of humans. The world life is like a
continuous dream of humans. Therefore, Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said:
"Humans are
asleep, they wake up when they die." [Safar-i
Therefore, it is necessary to accept each and every word of Qur’an as truth, and it should be
believed and acknowledged as it is. The mutashabih verses which necessitate
interpretation should be adopted in the way explained by Rasulullah (s.a.w.)
and scholars of the Followers of Sunnah.
# There is no contradiction and inconsistency in any work of the Creator
Dear readers, some impertinents circulate some
messages in the Internet which assert the existence of contradictory religious
behaviors of humans and which seem to criticize such contradictions from the
perspective of Allah (s.w.t.) but they actually try to display the Sustainer of
the Realms as an incapable and contradictory being. When people live according
to the rules of Allah (s.w.t.) and look at everything with His light, then they
understand that no contradiction and inconsistency exist in any work of the
Creator and that, on the contrary, His rules are universal truths which cover
all the times. As I referenced in my previous writings, it is stipulated in
Qur’an verses:
"Lord of the heavens and of the
earth, and of all that is between them;" [Maryam, 65]
"(This was Our) way with the messengers
We sent before thee: thou wilt find no change in Our ways." [Isra, 77]
"Do they not consider the
Qurán (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have
found therein much discrepancy." [Nisa 82]
How can inconsistencies ever exist in the
eternal works and words of a Creator who possesses an infinite knowledge? Doesn't He have all the knowledge of everything that He
Dear readers, Qur’an is the word of truth.
Allah (s.w.t.) and his beloved prophets never lie. Everyone knows that
Rasulullah (s.a.w.) never used any lie even in any of his jokes. For this
reason, one should not ever be doubtful in the slightest extent about the truth
of Qur’an and the statements that it contains. Each
information it offers should be accepted as the truth and the Sustainer of the
Realms should be trusted with a full faith.
Be entrusted to Allah.
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