Dear readers,
As I stated in my previous article, numerous
atheists and enemies of Islam have been intensely desirous of altering Qur’an,
distorting it, raising doubts in the hearts of Muslims because Qur’an is the
fundamental and the securest source of Islam. But can the truth ever be hidden?
One of those attacks is a claim which is allegedly based on some hadiths and
which asserts that Satan has tempered with Qur’an by adding it some false
statements. As you will remember, they also published a book entitled "The
Satanic Verses". Certainly, such a claim can only be made by some
impertinents who consider Allah (s.w.t.) to be incapable as themselves although Allah (s.w.t.) is free of all incomplete and
deficient attributes. See the messages of the following verses:
He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is." [Baqarah, 117]
"And Our Command is but a single (word),- like the twinkling of an eye."
Does ever a Creator who is capable of
fulfulling his command in the blinking of an eye allow Satan to temper with his
book with fake statements? The following verses were given as an answer to such
baseless claims 14 centuries ago:
"Never did We
send a messenger or a prophet before thee, but, when he framed a desire, Satan
threw some (vanity) into his desire: but Allah will cancel anything (vain) that
Satan throws in, and Allah will confirm (and establish) His Signs: for Allah is
full of Knowledge and Wisdom:"
[Hajj, 52]
"That He may make the suggestions thrown
in by Satan, but a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease and who are
hardened of heart: verily the wrong-doers are in a schism far (from the Truth):
" [Hajj, 53]
Therefore, I do not consider it necessary to dwell upon on this baseless matter.
# Qur’an verses cannot have been fabricated
Dear readers, Qur’an has made no concessions
from its literary beauty although it has offered effective solutions based on
simple principles to material and spiritual illnesses of people and societies
resulting from their self-indulgence. It cannot have been
"Say: "If the whole of mankind
and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qurán, they could
not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and
support." [Isra, 88]
"There is, in their stories,
instruction for men endued with understanding. It is not a tale invented, but a
confirmation of what went before it,- a detailed exposition of all things, and
a Guide and a Mercy to any such as believe." [Yusuf, 111]
"This Qurán is not such as can be
produced by other than Allah. on the contrary it is a confirmation of
(revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the Book -
wherein there is no doubt - from the Lord of the Worlds." [Yunus, 37]
"Or do they say, "He
forged it"? Say: Bring then a Sürah like unto it, and call (to your aid)
anyone you can besides Allah, if it be ye speak the truth!" [Yunus, 38]
do they say "He has forged it?" Say: "If I had forged it on me
were my sin! And I am free of the sins of which ye are guilty! ay: He is your
Lord." [Hud, 35]
# Some characteristics of Qur’an
Dear readers,
The Holy Qur’an is a miraculous book in the
strictest sense. In a hadith-i sharif which was reported by Haris el-A'ver and
which states that the way to freedom from seditions is through following
Qur’an, Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said that:
"The Book of Allah (s.w.t.) is the way to
salvation from troubles. It contains information regarding the circumstances of
your predecessors and also information regarding the circumstances to occur
after you and in the end of days. It also contains provisions regarding the
circumstances that will happen among you. It is a measurement for separating
truth from falsehood. Everything in it is significant,
it does not contain any aimless statement."
"Whoever plays the fool by not believing
in and acting based on it will be destroyed by Allah. Whoever searches for the
right way except in it will be led away by Allah. It is the unbreakable rope of
Allah. It is the dhikr full of wisdom, it is the straight path. It protects its
followers from self-indulgence and confusion. Scholars can never get enough of it."
"Its frequent repetition does not bore,
neither decreases its savor. Its astonishing excellent sides do not end or finish. It is such a book that
whoever brings a knowledge from it tells the truth. Whoever acts based on it
becomes successful. Whoever rules based on it rules justly. Whoever is called
to it is called to the straight path. You, A'ver, should learn these beautiful
words." [Tirmidhi]
# Some formal characteristics of Qur’an
Allah (s.w.t.) has made Qur’an easier so that
humans can learn and memorize it. That is to say:
• Similar expressions, statements, idioms and
series of words are often repeated so that humans can memorize them easily.
• In order for new
learners to not have much difficulty, the beginning sections are easier to
read. In the ending sections, where social matters are addressed more, richness
of vocabulary gradually increases. However, as learners reach a certain level
when they get to these sections, they do not have much difficulty following
• Although Qur’an is revealed as a prose, its
sentences and clauses often end in rhyming words and therefore the reading
feels poetic and produces a pleasure as in reading poems.
• In some parts, not only sentence and clause
endings but also whole sentences consist of rhyming words and this adds a
certain joy to the reading.
• In Arabic, some syllables are pronounced
shorter, some longer and some very long. And this contributes a great harmony
to the recitation of Qur’an when reading it aloud. Especially when recited in
some certain modes (maqams) such as Saba and Huzzam, both the reciter and listeners get
a great spiritual pleasure of it.
These completely relate to the stylistic
characteristics of Qur’an. As I occasionally mentioned in my previous articles,
the main goal here is to understand Qur’an and follow its
provisions, commands, recommendations and admonitions.
Allah (s.w.t.) commands in a verse:
"And We have indeed made the Qurán
easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive
admonition?" [Qamar, 17]
# Qur’an was sent to an illiterate prophet
Dear readers, Allah (s.w.t.) descended Qur’an
to an illiterate (ummi) prophet so that even those who
pursued illegitimate goals would not doubt it. This situation is explained in
the following verse:
"And thou wast not (able) to recite
a Book before this (Book came), nor art thou (able) to transcribe it with thy
right hand: In that case, indeed, would the talkers of vanities have
doubted." [Ankabut, 48]
Although Qur’an descended in 23 years, there is no any inconsistency in its content. If it was a
document created by the hands of an incapable human being who forgets in the morning
what he ate in the previous evening, then there would be lots of conflicts and
inconsistencies in this document which addressed so many subject matters in
such a long time.
"Do they not consider the
Qurán (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have
found therein much discrepancy."
[Nisa, 82]
Be entrusted to Allah.
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