Dear readers,
Rasulullah (s.a.w.) attached
great importance to learning, teaching and reading Qur’an.
"The most
virtuous among you are those who learn and teach Qur’an." [Bukhari]
"The most supreme
worship in my community is to read Qur’an." [Abu Nu'aym]
"In a house where
Qur’an is not read, beneficence will decrease, malice will increase, and narrow
circumstances will be inflicted." [Dar
"Decorate your
houses with salat and recitation of Qur’an." [Itqan]
The goal of learning
and reading Qur’an is to understand it and follow its provisions,
recommendations and guidance. It is understood again
from the statements contained in the book which separates truth from falsehood
that the reason for the descent of Qur’an in Arabic was for the community into
which it descended to understand it, and that it was the task of Rasulullah
(s.a.w.) to explain those parts of it which people failed to understand.
"We have sent it down as an
Arabic Qurán, in order that ye may learn wisdom. " [Yusuf, 2]
"We have sent down unto thee
(also) the Message; that thou mayest explain clearly to men what is sent for
them" [Nahl, 44]
# Those who obey Qur’an will reach peace with it
Surely, the goal of the explanations made by
the Prophet regarding Qur’an is to ensure that people know and follow Allah's
rules, commands, recommendations and guidance which will take them to blessings
and make them decent and dignified people. With these rules, Allah (s.w.t.)
ensures that those who believe in him and seek his assent will reach salvation.
"There hath come to you from Allah
a (new) light and a perspicuous Book, " [Maida, 15]
"Wherewith Allah guideth all who
seek His good pleasure to ways of peace and safety, and leadeth them out of
darkness, by His will, unto the light,- guideth them to a Path that is
straight." [Maida, 16]
As for those who do not follow these rules,
they will suffer various troubles both in the world and in the hereafter.
Dear readers, a significant part of the
troubles that people suffer result from their yielding to the whims and desires
of their ego. What takes people to prosperity and benevolence and ensures their
eternal happiness is to believe in their Rab (Allah) and follow his messengers,
that is, to yield to the desires and wants of Allah (s.w.t.) instead of those
of their egos.
# Those who love Allah (s.w.t.) should follow his messenger
Therefore, our Rab insists we obey His Sublime
Personality and His Prophet, and follow His judgments and His book which
declare His commands, recommendations and guidance.
"Say: If ye do love Allah,
Follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins" [Al-i Imran, 31]
"Say: Obey Allah and His Messenger:
But if they turn back, Allah loveth not those who reject Faith." [Al-i Imran, 32]
"And this is a Book which We have
revealed as a blessing: so follow it" [An’am, 155]
"Follow (O men!) the
revelation given unto you from your Lord, and follow not, as friends or
protectors, other than Him. Little it is ye remember of admonition."
[A'raf, 3]
Dear readers, humans are
not aimless
and they will be responsible about whether they comply with the judgments of
Qur’an. This responsibility applies to every sane person of full age. In our
day, however, Qur’an has become a document which is frequently recited in
graveyards and mosques but about the judgments of which only a few people are
knowledgeable. Recently, a hodja effendi on a TV show was telling how
Al-Ghazali described this situation. As it is a good example, I want to share
it with you:
Now think of a farm-household chief. This
person sends an instruction to his workers about the works to be performed. The
workers receive the instruction. They read the message which states "such
place will be watered, furrows will be opened here and seedlings
will be planted there..." and they constantly repeat reading it but do not
perform any work. Now, if you were the boss, would you keep such workers in
your farm who read your instructions but do not fulfill them? Please think
about it and answer.
# Humans are responsible regarding the judgments of Qur’an
Dear readers,
Humans are obliged to fulfill the judgments of
Qur’an which was descended to them as a guidance and blessing, and they will be
called to account as to whether or not they have followed it.
"The (Qurán) is indeed a reminder,
for thee and for thy people; and soon shall ye (all) be brought to
account." [Zukhruf, 44]
And what are these judgments? First of all, the
principles of faith including, primarily, the existence and oneness of Allah.
These principles are clearly described in Qur’an and it is stated that those
who deny these facts are in a deep perversion:
"Any who denieth Allah, His angels,
His Books, His Messenger, and the Day of Judgment, hath gone far, far
astray." [Nisa, 136]
As for fate, that is, the fact that everything
that will happen is predestined and will unfold in accordance with the will of
Allah (s.w.t.) in the progression of time:
"No misfortune can happen on earth
or in your souls but is recorded in a Book before We bring it into existence."
[Hadid, 22]
# Faith is the foundation of all goodness
So humans are obliged to believe in, accept and
approve these. All the blessings for human begin with this faith. As this
concept of "faith" is a
starting point for the divine training which will bring humanity to high
decency and dignity, believing in these principles is the foundation of
religion, and any other deeds of those who deny them will not be taken into
"The parable of those who reject
their Lord is that their works are as ashes, on which the wind blows furiously
on a tempestuous day: No power have they over aught that they have
earned." [Ibrahim, 18]
# Humans are responsible from abiding by prohibitions
People will also be responsible regarding whether
or not they have abiden by the "prohibitions" stipulated in
Qur’an. Some of them are arranged in successive order in the surah of Al-Isra:
"Make not thy hand tied
(like a niggard's) to thy neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so
that thou become blameworthy and destitute. " [Isra, 29]
"Nor come nigh to adultery: for it
is an indecent (deed) and an evil way." [Isra, 32]
"Nor take life - which Allah
has made sacred - except for just cause. " [Isra, 33]
"Give full measure when ye measure,
and weigh with a balance that is straight:" [Isra, 35]
"And pursue not that of
which thou hast no knowledge; for surely the hearing, the sight, the heart, all
of those shall be questioned of (on the Day of Reckoning)." [Isra, 36]
"Nor walk on the earth with
insolence: for thou canst not rend the earth asunder, nor reach the mountains
in height." [Isra, 37]
# Humans are also responsible from obeying the commands
People will also be responsible about whether
or not they have obeyed the “commands” and “recommendations” of
Qur’an. I want to give a few examples:
"So serve thou Me (only),
and establish regular prayer for My remembrance. " [Ta-ha, 14]
"O ye who believe! Fasting
is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you," [Baqarah, 183]
"And be steadfast in prayer and
regular in charity: And whatever good ye send forth for your souls before you,
ye shall find it with Allah." [Baqarah, 110]
Dear readers, because these provisions that
contain the rules for proper lifestyle for humans are the keys to an internal
happiness, they are extracted from valuable sources and given in the article
entitled "The Golden Rules of an Eternal Happiness"[1] of this weak
# To be a good human is to live in accordance with Qur’an
To be good is to obey Qur’anic judgments and
live in compliance with the principles stipulated by Qur’an. This is expressed
in the following verse:
"It is not righteousness
that ye turn your faces towards East or West; but it is righteousness- to
believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the
Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for
orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom
of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and give Zakat (regular charity); to
fulfill the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain
(or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic." [Baqarah, 177]
Dear readers, the best, the
clearest, the most objective and impartial criteria of the concepts of "good"
and "evil" which not based on the whims of human ego are given
in Qur’an. Humans are also obliged to obey these rules. Never any change
occurs in these rules of Allah:
"(This was Our) way with the
messengers We sent before thee: thou wilt find no change in Our ways. " [Isra, 77]
Be entrusted to Allah.
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