my previous writing, I have completed the discussions on faith and explained in
detail the requirements for having a proper and complete faith which will open
the doors to an eternal bliss for us. But there are still such important points
to be known about “faith” that I will address now.
or not believing is something decided in one’s heart (conscience). That is to
say, faith is a matter of heart. This is evidenced by the following verses:
“Say, "Ye have no faith; but
ye (only) say, 'We have submitted our wills to Allah,' For not yet has Faith
entered your hearts.” [Hujurat, 14]
“For such He has written Faith in
their hearts, and strengthened them with a spirit from Himself.” [Mujadala, 22]
the basis of faith is to accept and confirm with heart the requirements of
faith as stipulated in our creed.
# Faith is to accept with heart and confirm by tongue
Islamic scholars have required us, as beings who live a social life, to declare
our faith to other humans with our tongue as well so that we can be treated as
a Muslim in the events of our daily life, shopping, marrying, divorcing,
borrowing and lending, in our neighborhood relationships and even in our
deaths, and they explained that “Faith is to accept with heart and confirm by
tongue”. This is certainly true. As faith is a matter of heart, how can
others know that we are a believer if we do not express the faith in our heart
with words? If we happen to die at that moment, will not people hesitate even
as to whether or not to perform a funeral prayer for us?
to the Ahl as-Sunnah creed, deeds are not a part of faith.
e Azam Abu Hanifa said:
are not a part of faith. One who commits a big sin may not be called an
unbeliever. While faith is necessary for everyone, not each deed is necessary
for each person. For example, a poor person who does not possess enough wealth
may not give zakat. But that poor person still needs faith.”
and good deeds are separated from each other in Qur’anic verses as well:
“Except to those who believe and
work righteous deeds: for them is a Reward that will never fail.” [Inshiqaq, 25]
“Except such as believe and do
righteous deeds: for they shall have a reward unfailing.” [Tin, 6]
# One is not excluded from religion by committing a big sin
following hadith clearly shows that one does not abandon the religion by
committing a big sin:
“The archangel Gabriel said, 'Any Muslim who dies without committing polytheism against Allah (swt)
will enter the Paradise', I
asked 'if one who commits adultery and theft will also enter the Paradise?' He
said, 'Yes'. I repeated the same question for three times. On the
third, he said, 'Yes, a believer who commits adultery or theft will also enter the
Paradise.'” [Bukhari, Muslim, Bazzar]
readers, one does not lose one’s faith or be excluded from religion just
because one commits a sin or does not perform their worships. But
every deed, either for good or bad, will affect one’s faith. The light of
faith is the Love of Allah. As one worships and obeys the rules, this love
will increase. One feels oneself closer to one’s Rab. When one commits a sin,
on the other hand, this love is reduced. Then one gets away from one’s Rab
without being aware of this. In fact, if one continues to commit sins, time
will come when the light of faith in that person’s heart will die off. So, then
the person is dragged into the swamp of disbelief. Therefore, Our Master the
Prophet considered good deeds together with faith:
“Faith is to accept with heart,
confirm by tongue, and practice with organs of body.”
# Faith is protected with good deeds
is also referred to by some other hadiths. As a matter of fact, Our Master the
Prophet said after he instructed a group of visitors to
only believe in Allah:
“Do you know what it is to only
believe in Allah? It is to testify that there are no gods but Allah and that
Mohammed is His Messenger, perform salat, give zakat, perform ramadan fasting,
and give one fifth of war booties.” [Bukhari]
“One who does not respect what is
trusted to oneself does not possess faith.” [Tabarani]
“One who does not have compassion
does not have faith either.” [Tabarani]
“One who drinks alcoholic beverages
will lose the light of faith.” [Tabarani]
salat is completely identified with faith:
“There is an essence of everything
and the essence of faith is salat.” [Bayhaqi]
“What distinguishes impiety from
faith is to abandon salat.” [Tirmidhi]
“One who abandons salat on purpose
becomes an unbeliever.” [Tabarani]
“Salat means faith. A believer is
one who performs salat in accordance with its time and other requirements.” [Ibn al-Najjar]
# Compliance with prohibitions and orders is not related to faith but to sincerity
readers, the following two hadiths reveal that compliance with prohibitions and
orders is not directly related to faith but to sincerity (ikhlas) in faith.
“Do not call someone who says ‘La
ilaha illallah’ an unbeliever! Otherwise you yourself become an unbeliever.” [Bukhari]
“One who sincerely states ‘La ilaha
illallah’ will go to the Paradise. Saying it with sincerely means that the
sayer is faraway from what is prohibited.” [Tabarani]
a result, it is necessary to declare the faith in our heart to other people.
Deeds are not a part of faith. But good or bad deeds significantly influence
our faith by increasing and decreasing the love of Allah, which is the light of
faith. Staying away from what Allah (swt) has forbidden and doing what He has
commanded are an indication of the sincerity and loyalty in our faith.
Therefore, we should try to live our religion with all the principles it
# A few clues for a complete faith
this part of my writing, I will try to offer you a few clues for a complete
faith based on some statements of our Rab and our Master the Prophet.
must mention first of all that a perfect, whole, and complete submission
to Allah (swt) and His Messenger is certainly a requirement for a correct and
complete faith. And the criterion for this submission is to completely comply
with the divine provisions (ahkam, sharia). One’s faith is directly
proportional to the extent one submits to Allah (swt) and His Messenger and
complies with these provisions.
“And obey Allah and the Messenger;
that ye may obtain mercy.” [Al Imran, 132]
“So believe in Allah and His
Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believeth in Allah and His Words: follow
him that (so) ye may be guided.”
[A’raf, 158]
“O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and
obey the messenger, and make not vain your deeds!” [Muhammed, 33]
“He who obeys the Messenger, obeys
[Nisa, 80]
“So take what the Messenger gives
you, and refrain from what he prohibits you."
[Hashr, 7]
# Living in accordance with the commands of Allah
readers, there is only one religion in the sight of Allah, and it is Islam. And
Islam means to put aside one’s own will (the desires of one’s ego) and to
submit to the will (orders) of Allah (swt), who is one’s creator and educator.
“Faith” lies in the foundation of this submission. Completeness of faith is
directly proportional to the completeness of this submission. This submission
is the key to all kinds of salvations.
“But We delivered those who
believed and practiced righteousness” [Fussilat, 18]
“And we submit to Allah (in Islam).” [Baqarah, 136]
in compliance with Allah’s commands is essential for the blessings of the world
and the afterworld because the commands of our Rab, who has eternal mercy, will always take
one to a lifestyle that eventually leads to goodness. If one believes in one’s Rab
and loyally submit to one’s Rab by believing that the Rab is always one’s true
friend (protector), then Allah (swt) will open the doors of all blisses for
“And those who strive in Our
(cause),- We will certainly guide them to Our Paths.” [Ankabut, 69]
# One’s value depends on one’s devoutness (taqwa)
this submission is a requirement for a complete faith.
prohibitions are more important among divine rules because most of them include
interpersonal rights and all of them are provisions that impose limitations on
the desires of our egos. Piety
(taqwa) means to comply with these provisions and to stay away from what Allah
(swt) has prohibited. The value of humans and communities in the sight of Allah
(swt) is based on piety (righteousness, taqwa, the fear of Allah).
“Verily the most honored of you in
the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you.” [Hujurat, 13]
always should try to be a servant who fears one’s Rab. If one focuses on
sincerity, piety and dhikr (to remember Allah), the elements of maturity, which
Our Master the Prophet described, will manifest automatically:
“The most superior deed is faith.
The most superior faith is to acknowledge that Allah (swt) is always with
them.” [Tabarani]
“Not forgetting Allah, wherever one
is, is an indication of a complete faith.” [Bayhaqi]
“One who becomes happy upon
performing goodness and who becomes worried upon committing a sin is a true
believer.” [Tirmidhi, Hakim]
# The most beautiful of believers in terms of faith
“The most superior believer is the
one who frequently remembers Allah.” [Tirmidhi]
“The faith of one who has these
three elements is complete: beautiful morality as in getting along with
everyone, piety which prevents from committing sins, and gentleness which
covers one’s ignorance.” [Nasai]
“The most beautiful one among you in
terms of faith is the one who is the most beautiful in terms of morality.” [Hakim]
“Most complete one among believers
in terms of faith is the one who has a beautiful morality and who behaves their
family gently.” [Nasai, Tirmidhi]
“The most superior faith is to love
for Allah, fight for Allah, mention Allah (swt) also with one’s tongue,
consider what is acceptable for oneself for others as well, not desire for
others that which one does not desire for oneself, speak on goodness or keep
quiet.” [Tabarani]
“One who is benevolent has a
complete faith.” [I. Ahmad]
# Loving one’s religious sibling is a key of a complete faith
“I swear that you may not enter the
Paradise unless you have faith. And you may not have faith unless you love each
other.” [Tirmidhi, I. Ahmad]
“One may not be a true believer
unless one loves for his religious sibling that which he loves for himself.” [Bukhari]
“One who loves Allah’s friends and
who considers Allah’s enemies as his own enemies possesses a complete faith.” [Abu Dawud]
“These three things are indicators
of faith: Patience for trouble, gratitude for blessings, and acceptance for
predestined occurrences.” [Ihya]
“Be assured that one who
continuously comes to the mosque has faith!” [Ibn Maja]
# God’s Messenger has identified faith with salat
“Salat means faith. A believer is
one who performs salat in accordance with its time and other requirements.” [Ibn Najjar]
readers, as you can see, it is among the requirements of a complete faith to
consider Allah (swt) always together with himself, never forget Him, only love
and fight for Allah, stay away from what is prohibited and what is doubtful
(taqwa and wara), have benevolence, kindness and beautiful morality, that is,
visit who does not visit, give who does not give, forgive who oppresses, meet
trouble with patience and blessings with gratitude, not desire something for
one’s religious sibling that which one does not desire for oneself, speak useful
or keep quiet, and perform salats in a mosque and properly. It is ordered in
“And to thy Lord turn (all) thy
attention.” [Inshirah, 8]
Allah (swt) make us one of those servants who only focus on their Rab, live and
die with a complete faith and who, thusly, are blessed with their Rab’s
assistance, support and courtesy both in the temporary world life and also in
the eternal afterworld.
entrusted to Allah.
the articles in this series can be found also at the address below.
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