Dear Readers,
One of the ways of knowing The Great Creator as
our Islamic jurisprudence scientists stated is learning His beautiful names. As
you can remember I wrote in one of my previous articles "Knowing an
existence is achieved by understanding its characteristics, qualities and
attributes. The more we know about the characteristics of an existence, the
more we know and are familiar with it". Many outstanding characteristics
and attributes of our Allah (swt) became names for Him and He introduced
Himself to us with these names in His book, Qur'an, which is a divine grace for
us. Therefore, knowing and understanding these names are one of the best
methods for knowing Allah (swt) without doubt.
It is ordered in Qur'an that:
"To Him
belong the Most Beautiful Names" (Hashr, 24)
most beautiful names belong to Allah: so call on him by them; but shun such men
as distort His names: for what they do, they will soon be requited." (Araf, 180)
In Hadith, it is also ordered that:
"Allah has 99 beautiful names. Whoever
memorizes them (believes and knows by heart) goes to Paradise " (Buharî, Muslim)
# Names of
Allah cannot be changed...
“The names of Allah cannot be changed. In other
words, only names that are mentioned and allowed to be said about ALLAH (swt)
in verses of Qur'an and hadiths can be used. No random names can be added.
(Annotation of Testament of Birgivi)
The beautiful name Allah is the real name
of Him. Therefore, it includes all of the beautiful qualities and divine
attributes that the other names express. The other names express only their own
meanings. Therefore, no other name can replace the name Allah.
The name Allah, which is a name peculiar to Almighty
Allah only, has not been used for any being other than Him even metaphorically.
That name cannot be given to anybody except Allah.”[1]
There is no drawback to giving other names to
beings other than Allah; like giving the names Qadir, Jalal, etc. to people.
However, it is better to add the word “abd”, which means slave, before those
names when they are given to people; like Abdulqadir, Abdulkarim...
# Other names
of Allah (swt)
"The names of Allah are not composed of
only 99 names. In verses of Qur'an and hadiths, other names are attributed to Allah
apart from these 99 names.
Some of the names attributed to Allah are as
Al-Ehad instead of Al-Vahid; Al-Kahir instead of
Al-Kahhar; Ash Shekûr instead of Ash-Shâkir; Al-Kafi, Ad-Daim, Al-Munewwer, As-Sıddık,
Al-Muhît, Al-Karîb, Al-Vitr, Al-Fâtır, Al-Allâm, Al-Ekrem, Al-Mudebbir,
Ar-Refî', Zittavl, Zulmeâric, Zulfadl, Al-Hallâk, Al-Mevlâ, An-Nasîr, Al-Gâlib,
Al-Hannân, Al-Mennân...
The name Allah was mentioned in Qur'an 2800
times. The name Rab was mentioned the most after Allah. It is mentioned
960 times. Rahman, Rahim and Malik are the most mentioned names
in Qur'an after Rab. Those four names mentioned after Allah are named as Rububiyet
Attributes of Allah (swt) in Surat Al-Fatiha.
The real meaning of Rab which contains meanings
of nurturing, growing and raising is: The one who guards something until it
reaches to its goal by raising it level by level."[2].
# Asmaul
Husna (The beautiful names of Allah (swt))
99 names which were written in the Hadiths are
as follows:
Allah, ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim, al-Malik, al-Quddus, as-Salam,
al-Mu’min, al-Muhaymin, al-Aziz, al-Jabbar, al-Mutakabbir, al-Khaliq, al-Bari’,
al-Musawwir, al-Ghaffar, al-Qahhar, al-Wahhab,
ar-Razzaq, al-Fattah, al-Alim, al-Qabid, al-Basit, al-Hafid,
ar-Rafi, al-Muiz, al-Mudhill, al-Basir, as-Sami’, al-Hakam, al-Adl, al-Latif,
al-Khabir, al-Halim, al-Azim, al-Ghafur, ash-Shakur, al-Aliyy, al-Kabir,
al-Hafiz, al-Muqit, al-Hasib, al-Jalil, al-Karim, ar-Raqib, al-Mujib, al-Wasi’,
al-Hakim, al-Wadud, al-Majid, al-Baith, ash-Shahid, al-Haqq, al-Wakil,
al-Qawiyy, al-Matin, al-Waliyy, al-Hamid, al-Muhsi, al-Mubdi, al-Muid,
al-Muhyi, al-Mumit, al-Hayy, al-Qayyum, al-Wajid, al-Majid, al-Wahid, as-Samad,
al-Qadir, al-Muqtadir, al-Muqaddim, al-Muakhkhir, al-Awwal, al-Akhir, az-Zahir,
al-Batin, al-Wali, al-Mutaali, al-Barr, at-Tawwab, al-Muntaqim, al-Afuww,
ar-Rauf, Maliku’l-Mulk, Dhu’l-Jalali wa’l-Ikram, al-Muqsit, al-Jami’,
al-Ghaniyy, al-Mughni, al-Mani’, ad-Darr, an-Nafi’, an-Nur, al-Hadi, al-Badi’,
al-Baqi, al-Warith, ar-Rashid, as-Sabur.
The meanings of some them are as follows:
• "Ar-RAHMAN (The All Merciful)
He Who wills goodness and mercy for all His
creatures in the pre-eternity; He Who gives innumerable bounties to all
creatures that He created without making any discrimination between the ones He
likes and those that He does not; He Who gives them all of the sustenance
necessary for their lives…
• Ar-RAHIM (The All Compassionate)
He Who shows excessive mercy; He Who rewards
those who use the bounties He gives in a good way by giving them greater and
endless bounties... It is understood from the name Ar-Rahman that Allah wanted
goodness and mercy in the pre-eternity for all of the creatures that He
created. As for the name Ar-Rahim, it expresses the manifestation of a special
mercy for His creatures that have a will, especially for believers.
• Al-MALIK (The Absolute Ruler)
The real owner and absolute ruler of all of the
creatures... One Who is free, by virtue of His Own merits and characteristics;
from depending on anything in existence, while everything in existence depends
on Him. He is the real owner and the absolute ruler of the universe.
• Al-QUDDUS (The Pure One)
He Who is free from all errors, ignorance,
weaknesses, all kinds of imperfection and Who is very pure... Allah is free and
away from all kinds of qualities that senses can understand and imagination can
design. He is the one who is away from negligence, failure and any kind of
deficiency and who is pure. He deserves all kinds of praise. The reality of
cleanness that is present naturally in the universe is the manifestation of the
name al-Quddus of Almighty God." [3]
beautiful name of Allah (swt) written in Qur'an is a symbol of the deep meaning
of one of His special attribute that covers all worlds. Accordingly, the one
who knows those names with their meanings also knows His Allah (swt).
Therefore, Rasulullah heralded the Paradise for the ones
who can recite them. May Allah (swt) grant us being wise servants of Him who knows
Allah in the best way.
Be entrusted to Allah.
[1] Mehmet Ali Demirbas,
[2] Mehmet Dikmen,
[1] Mehmet Ali Demirbas,
[2] Mehmet Dikmen,